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"Good careers guidance widens pupils’ horizons, challenges stereotypes and raises aspirations. It provides pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to make successful transitions to the next stage of their life".

Department for Education Statutory Guidance October 2018

To help our community stay in-the-know, we’ve provided this section with our latest updates, announcements and press coverage. Take a look below to discover what’s happening, and check back often for the latest news.




The Department for Education's careers strategy was published in December 2017, setting out a series of measures to be implemented during 2018-20 to improve careers guidance in England.

Alongside the strategy, the DfE published accompanying statutory guidance that provided more details on how schools are expected to deliver the new expectations. These expectations included:

The government’s new careers strategy set out a plan for building a high-quality careers system that will help young people to achieve. The Gatsby Benchmarks are a key measure of the effectiveness of career guidance and provision – Delta Academies Trust is committed to achieving all eight benchmarks;

  1. A stable careers programme 

  2. Learning from career and labour market information 

  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers 

  5. Encounters with employers and employees 

  6. Experiences of workplaces 

  7. Encounters with further and higher education 

  8. Personal guidance 

For an overview of how we and our CEIAG partners embed the 8 benchmarks into our Careers Programme, please see the attached documents below



Our careers programme is designed to enable our students to transition through various stages of their career development using the careers plan as a working document to be evaluated and revised as necessary by SLT and School Governors. We are committed to adhering to and developing the careers provision in school by ensuring that we have a careers plan that is fluid. Follow the link to view our careers programme

School Application

A careers policy is a concise and accessible statement of the guiding principles which underpin the school's approach to the career learning and development of its students. Click the link above to view our careers policy

School Application
School Application

 The Baker Clause stipulates that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to every student in years 8-13 to discuss non-academic routes that are available to them.  Click the link above to view our policy

Students Taking Note

“Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master.”

Leonardo da Vinci

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